Adult's Hobby


Romandick Mysterion / Adult’s Hobby

Romandick MysterionIn the nook of a peaceful village, Taki the Cleric (name customizable)makes a mistake and Revi the De...

Little Sister Sweet Neoteny / Adult’s Hobby

Little Sister Sweet Neoteny* Notes: This game can be played fully via the trial version.The full version contains a bonu...

The Catcher in the Rabbit / Adult’s Hobby

The Catcher in the RabbitThat boy called the Demon Lord is incarcerated in a castle's underground prison.There an unfami...

CrossingMare / Adult’s Hobby

CrossingMareOur protagonist, Chise is a student in a magic academy.She visits a rural area with a cave accompanied by he...

NeverMoreEnd EverMoreEmpty / Adult’s Hobby

NeverMoreEnd EverMoreEmptyThe girl woke up in the middle of a forest she's never been in.With her weapon in hand, she st...

Little Sister Control Dungeon / Adult’s Hobby

Little Sister Control DungeonProtagonist Mayula is ordered by the top shrine maiden to enter a certain cavern, and recov...