SPYxNTR sex / Studio34

English VersionVideo


◇◆ STORY◆◇

SPYxNTR sex [Studio34]

Our main character this time is Y*r, an extremely attractive, graceful,

and tall young woman with a slim yet curvy figure.

She has married a Man, Loid and becomes Anya’s adoptive mother.

Y*r has been struggling trying to help Anya to enroll her in a highly prestigious school,

but it has been made clear that the headmaster and school administrations of these schools are not easily bought. ..


SPYxNTR sex [Studio34]

・Total playtime: 23m18s
・Actual scenes: 12 types
・Total files: 72


SPYxNTR sex [Studio34]

・Amazing High-quality animation ensures everything looks nice and smooth!
・HD resolution [800×1000]
・Format mp4/application
・The exe file of this product is a 64-bit version of the software. It does not work in a 32-bit environment
・Mp4 files for smartphone users are available

(English product description provided by the creator.)


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