Dragon Mahjongg 3 [Complete Edition]
The complete collection of Dragon Mahjongg 3.
Dragon Mahjongg 3 -Heavenly Edition-
Dragon Mahjongg 3 -Dragon God Edition-
Dragon Mahjongg 3 -Legendary Edition-
+ DLC (expansion packs) with NEW characters, heroines, modes and more!
A total of 6 works in one huge anthology bundle!171 H event scenes
699 CGs (incl. variations, but not poses, backgrounds or chibi SD art)
An epic multi-episode fantasy with 133 characters!!* Refer to respective product details pages for further information.
This product contains overlapping content with:
Dragon Mahjongg 3 -Heavenly Edition- (RJ083001)
Dragon Mahjongg 3 -Dragon God Edition- (RJ089910)
Dragon Mahjongg 3 -Legendary Edition- (RJ103128)
Dragon Mahjongg 3 -Heavenly DLC Plus-(RJ119901)
Dragon Mahjongg 3 -Dragon God DLC Plus- (RJ120616)
Dragon Mahjongg 3 -Legendary DLC Plus- (RJ121048)