Himejima School ~Class of Incompetence~ / PichiPichi Gallery R


Himejima School ~Class of Incompetence~

Himejima School…

Rumors precede this school that may or may not even exist.
Among the teachers it is like an urban legendary school.

While there are many rumors… one in particular is attractive to teachers.
That only the carefully selected teachers are permitted to stand on the podium.
Many wish for that teacher, to be they themselves…

Following this desire, two teachers accept a transfer…
But the lessons at Himejima wasn’t exactly what they were expecting…

They themselves, succumb to pleasure and become the study materials!

* Fully voiced female characters! *

Rio Kisaka
Ao Inukai
Yuzuha Nagase

Base events + variation CGs totaling 608 works!!

Check out sample voices, etc. at the special website below:


Please play the trial version to confirm compatibility!


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