Manga Black Cat, Chocolate Ice Cream / Fantasy Art Club Black Cat, Chocolate Ice Cream33 pages (4 pages for cover etc. + 29 comic pages)When a big brother comes home bringing a... 2021.08.18 Manga
Manga Beginning black 2 / Fantasy Art Club Beginning black 2ComicTreasure 31 release.26 pages (4 pages for cover etc. / 22 page comic)The heroine succeeded to snea... 2021.08.18 Manga
Manga Black Cat, Chocolate Ice Cream 3 / Fantasy Art Club Black Cat, Chocolate Ice Cream 3A sequel story to "Black Cat, Chocolate Ice Cream".23 pages totalWhile the siblings have... 2021.08.18 Manga
Manga Black Cat, Chocolate Ice Cream 2 / Fantasy Art Club Black Cat, Chocolate Ice Cream 2A sequel story to "Black Cat, Chocolate Ice Cream".20 pages totalRubber-related plays of... 2021.08.18 Manga
Manga Beginning black / Fantasy Art Club Beginning blackA female spy infiltrates the mansion of a drug company president and is caught off guard by a trap in the... 2021.08.18 Manga
English Version Kuroneko Album -English- / Fantasy Art Club Kuroneko Album -English-All color Kuroneko Choco-Ice32 pages in total(cover、Afterword2p、Color illustration19p、Comic10p) 2021.08.18 English VersionManga