ZENGAKU! ~Special Training Camp for a Naked Week~ / 4H


ZENGAKU! ~Special Training Camp for a Naked Week~

Naked Week. Just as the name implies,
that is a week which you must head to school… naked.
A traditional custom of a certain Japanese academy.
However, the freshgrads that have only just enrolled
cannot handle such a high-level of exhibition straight away…
They must first head of to a special training camp so that
they may prepare themselves for the humility of nakedness.

That is, the Special Training Camp for a Naked Week regime.
Also known as… ZENGAKU!!

You participate in training camp with the girl that you adore!
But what awaits you at the camp is…
a full on training regime of humiliation and disgrace!?

A heart warming romance comedy adolescent exhibition & humiliation style porno!
Of course, the heroines are FULLY VOICED!

24 base CG + cut ins + 4 characters pose art + variations
and over 1MB of scenario text / approx 4000 voice clips!!
Approximately 30 different humiliating situations will unfold~

A post art viewer is also implemented so you can enjoy the
various combinations of pose, clothing and facial expression!

– This product was created with Livemaker
– 1280×720 screen resolution (less than this is not supported)
– Contains mainly expressions of exhibition and humiliation
with not really that much focus on penetrative sex.
– This is a new work with an independent story.
It can thus be enjoyed as a standalone product.
(Or even more so for those that recognize the cameo characters.)

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