Revenge Porn ~When Relationships Go Bad The Good Parts Go Online~ / Sage

CG + Illustrations

Revenge Porn ~When Relationships Go Bad The Good Parts Go Online~

Revenge porn.
Private footage of ex-flings, ex-girlfriends, ex-wives, shared with the world to
turn bitterness into gloating triumph.
It’s voyeurism meets amateurism with a twist of lemon-in-the-eye.
It’s a catharsis and a life-wrecker, depending on who’s uploading.
Fair warning. If you let me turn a camera on in the bedroom,
you can bet it will go public someday — especially after a bad breakup.
It’s not about sharing the love. It’s punishment for letting love die.

I post revenge porn. Here’s one of my heartbreaks.

10 base CGs
Versions with story text, dialogue text, etc.
Small, medium and large sizes
160+ total CGs

Copied title and URL