SuperPantsu Tentikun / Jakai


SuperPantsu Tentikun

About This Game

Grab passing characters into your cosy lockers and give them ecstasy while extracting the energy needed to grow into a strong little tentacled monster. Infect lockers and spread copious amounts of love and pleasure while unlocking new abilities and growing ever stronger.

Tentikun is an idle clicker-like game where you try to infect lockers, broom closets, elevators, and toilet stalls with Tentikun’s tentacles.

When a character passes in front of one of these you need to quickly grab them into the locker without any other characters noticing else the action will be reported and an officer might appear and seal one of your lockers.

Lockers will automatically pleasure the character and release them when done but you can enter the locker to speed up the process, or to simply watch the lewd action.

Pleasuring a character in a locker will generate Energy and Lust points. The Energy is used to grow new tentacles in lockers while the Lust Points can be used to upgrade Tentikun or even unlock new types of Tentacles.

Your goal is to reach Tentikun’s peak evolution by unlocking its pocket dimension where you can customize and play with its harem.

(English product description provided by the creator.)



魔装のイザナイ〜Dark Suit Invent〜Case.01 / ALLOWS
ヴルツェルシスターズ「わっちがゴブリンみたいなザコに負けるわけないじゃろう?」 / ネコノミアぷろじぇくと
堕ちた忍姫セツナ / 詠村碧/ロップスタジオ
★5/23まで限定特典付き★ドスケベ痴女JKの優等生オナ猿マゾ調教【わる~いJKギャルが首席男子にイケない射精を植え付けて、みっともないオナ猿に堕とす話】 常世常闇所々 / 陽向葵ゅか
【本番6回】モテモテで王子様なこのボクが童貞幼馴染のメス堕ち彼女になる訳がない / いるま☆うさぎ / 浅木式
下品でだらしないダウナー姉妹とおうちでだらだらオホ声セックス / 恋楽屋 / 涼花みなせ
いたずらJKの修学旅行密着囁きお布団えっち【フォーリーサウンド】 テグラユウキ / 秋野かえで
【NTR♪】超推し★の配信者さんが貴方だけのエロ配信をしてくれる夢の様な中で…真実を知りながらも絶望オナニーやめられない音声♪『脳破壊♪』 / M-STUDIO / 小石川うに  陽向葵ゅか/天知遥
【かりかり耳かき×吐息いっぱいお耳ふー】保健室の天使たちに心まで癒されて~お嬢様の膝枕で幸せいっぱいドキドキお耳かき~【CV.大森綺星】 RaRo / 大森綺星
【漫画+ASMR/5大特典/40%割引】クールな彼女が認識改変で従順オナホに変わるまで 催○カノジョ高梨伊織 / 一葉モカ_ショコラテ / 藤村莉央
