One day, a young kunoichi by the name of Botan is along with her
comrade disciples assembled by the village chief for a emergency meeting.
It would seem that their master has not returned from a mission and there
is a possibility that she has been captured in the mansion of a brutal fiend
by the name “Demi-Ogre”, who has the ability to turn women into slaves to pleasure.
Knowing that she is lacking ability, Botan must nonetheless take on the mission
of rescuing her master but… can she really infiltrate and escape from such a mansion?
A mansion that even her master failed to……?[Game Contents]
– An RPG controlling female protagonist Botan with a focus on erotic defeat scenes.
– The main situations are r*pe and drugs (aphrodisiacs), etc.
Even though she may be a kunoichi (female ninja), Botan is still a young girl
and awaiting this fledgling assassin is a onslaught of life endangering violation!
– As such, the erotic scenes in this game are pretty much all hardcore r*pe.
(There are no direct depictions of severed limbs / viscera. Only cuts, bruises
and pregnant bellies, etc so you don’t have to worry about grotesque content.)
– Approximate playtime: 1.5 hours.
– Requires RPG TKool VX Ace RTP (free): http://dlsite.jp/RPGTKool_eng/
– 17 H scenes in the reminiscence room / 19 CG
– 18 different pose art / 18 close up cuts for the protagonist Botan.[System]
– Approaching the enemy from behind will successfully execute an assassination.
– If you are found by the enemy a battle with simple commands will take place.
– Certain enemies will perform erotic attacks (QTE quick time event to avoid).
– If caught by the boss, Botan will enter “restrained mode” unable to do anything
but be violated over and over again… just waiting on a chance for assassination.
– If you fail along the way there will be various special game over events.
– No leveling up, all items procured on site. A sneaking style RPG.
– Options such as Voice, Difficulty, Pubic Hair, QTE speed available.[Notes]
Recommend purchase with DLsite account for updates.
Confirm system compatibility via the trial version.[Special Thanks]
* PICOPICOSOFT (Funi) – http://picosoft.blog.fc2.com/
for the character design of master kunoichi Kaede, her pose art and 1 even CG* Shikitei Dokkyun – (No URL)
for the voice acting of the heroine Botan.* Nennai – https://twitter.com/eencya
for the game’s title logo design and production
Kunoichi Botan / Enokippu
