Samurai Sacrament / MOSABOX


Samurai Sacrament


In 2044 A.D. a sudden outbreak of “filth souls” terrifies an unprepared city.
Born motherless with a hive mind and only the XY chromosome across their species,
the filth souls are driven by instinct. They need to breed with other species.
Mutations and evolutions are sure to come. No human is safe.


MOSABOX presents Samurai Sacrament:
a futuristic sci fi hack-and-slash pixel action platformer
with classic melee action and adults-only eroticism.

Play as Sakura Sakurazaka, an agent of the Class B Soul Elimination Bureau
who wields a soul-splitting Mihikari and a license to kill.

Obtain items to assist her violent, sexually perilous duties across 5 stages.
You may choose from 3 difficulties at the start of the game.
In classic hentai game fashion, Sakura will be ravished by enemies if she’s downed.
Game overs are accompanied by erotic CGs for each situation.

Ero pixel count: 20 bodies
CG count: 24 images + 1

* Please play the trial version to confirm compatibility.
* Recommend purchase with DLsite account for updates.


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