SRPG Studio / Sapphire Soft


SRPG Studio


SRPG Studio is a Windows-based software for creating simulation RPGs.
Everything you need to create a game, from materials to programming tools, is included, so this is the perfect tool for beginners. This software also utilizes Javascript, so it’s a great way to practice your programming, too!

Make a game that’s all your own, then let the world play it!
– Projects made with the demo will work with the full version.
– Feel free to release and sell the games you make with this software!
– You can also make adult games.

Check out our material site, SRPG World!
Users create materials and make them available for download!

Learn how with the sample game!

SRPG Studio [Sapphire Soft]

This product includes a sample game.
By playing the sample game, you’ll learn how to put together different systems and events in your game.
To start the sample game, click “ファイル” (File) on the left-most side, then select “サンプルゲームのロード” (Load Sample Game). Next, select “テストプレイ” (Test Play).


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