A Young Slut Appeared! ~After Story~ / Colla Voice / 松岡侑里

Voice / ASMR

A Young Slut Appeared! ~After Story~

I’ll Be Waiting at the Usual Spot. Knock 3 times, okay?

Presenting a binaural audio after story of the massively popular H manga
“A Young Slut Appeared!” by Hamenz!

After getting cum-squeezed by that loli slut at the shopping mall,
you can’t stop hanging around there in hopes of seeing her again.
Lo and behold, a month later, she appears.
And oh, she’s just as cheeky as ever.
She immediately realizes you’re a perverted addict who came crawling back for more,
and berates you while you get stiff at the tiniest flash of her chest.
She then leaves you with “I’ll be waiting at the usual spot. Knock 3 times, okay?”,
and heads to the washroom.

Track List

  • 1. メスガキとの再会
  • 2. ず~っとフェラチオ搾精
  • 3. フェラチオ~セックス搾精


Track 1: A reunion with the loli slut.
She knows you’ve been waiting, desperate for another go…

Track 2: Fellatio Cum-squeeze
She sucks you like a hard candy.

Track 3: Fellatio~Sex
You show her your sexual prowess as she mounts you.


* Illustration:

* CV:
Yuuri Matsuoka

* Scenario:


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