「Isekai Debt Slave」(デブスレ)はファンタジー異世界をテーマにした風俗シミュレーションゲーム。
The protagonist, Mika, was sent into a different world and crashed into a garden of a rich person. Unable to pay her damages, she got enslaved as a sex slave. However, if after a short period, she is able to pay off the debt, she will regain her freedom.その過程でミカは、上達すればするほど奴隷のランクが上がり、より高い基準を持つお金持ちな客を満足させられるようになることにも気づく。そう考えた彼女は、最高のセックス奴隷になることが最善の道だと決意する。
Along the way, Mika also realizes that as she gets better, her slave rank increases, and enables her to satisfy richer customers that have a higher standard. With that in mind, she decides that her best course of action is to be the best sex slave.アニメーションアクション
Lead the protagonist, Mika, in her work as a sex slave.ミカは様々なタイプの職場で性奴隷として働くことができる。
Mika can do her work as a sex slave in various types of workplaces.
For each workplace, there are 2 sides, which are the front-side and the back-side.仕事を通じてお金を稼ぎ、ミカが性奴隷としてより良い演技をするための衣装を買う。
Gain money through work to buy costumes that will enable Mika to perform better as a sex slave.(English product description provided by the creator.)
Isekai Debt SLAVE / Coccolome